Walking Tour
Architectural Tour of Southmont Homes ---- June 8, 2019
600 Diamond Boulevard - Elmer H. Smith House

Elmer Smith, superintendent of William H. Smith & Sons Contractors, built this home in a rustic American Craftsman style popular with early residents of Southmont. Dramatically sited at the corner of Diamond Boulevard and Bliss Street, the Carpenter House has a complex roofline with a hipped roof, cross gables, and a massive stone chimney. Like other Craftsman style homes, the simplicity of the interior distinguishes the Elmer Smith House.
Owner Anne Marie Sterlin
312 Bliss Street – Peter L. & Eda Carpenter House

Peter Carpenter owned the Capital Hotel on Walnut Street, which was built by the Cambria Iron Company and later purchased by Carpenter and expanded. He also served as First Vice President of the Johnstown Trust Company.
The Tudor Revival Style residence features a massive foyer, wooden molding, marble and wood mantels, and outdoor landscape features. The entrance, featuring columns, pilasters and an arch adds distinction to this grant house.
Owner Howard & Phyllis Forman
210 State Street – Louis & Maude Schenkemeyer House

Schenkemeyer was an owner of Charles C. Schenkemeyer & Sons, Inc. (granite and marble contractors). The house is similar to other nearby homes that were also built by and for other members of the Schenkemeyer family.
This American Craftsman style residence features a stone and shingle exterior and stone quoins decorating the window and door openings.
Owner John Walker, Jr.
326 Gardner Street – Fred N. & Elizabeth (Betty) Waterman House

Waterman worked as an engineer at National Radiator Corporation, whose chairman, John Waters, lived nearby. Fred Waterman was married to Elizabeth Waters, whose family jointly built and owned several homes in the vicinity through the Hillcrest Fund. Built in the Colonial Revival style, the house was designed by prolific Johnstown architect Henry Rogers.
Owners Bobby & Mali Gardill
719 Diamond Boulevard – Harry & Sarah Swank House

With its large hipped roof, dormers, and round arches, this imposing French Provincial Style residence was built in the late 1920s by Harry Swank. The interior features leaded and stained glass, carved wood moldings, wooden pocket doors, carved marble mantels, and wrought iron railings.
Harry Swank was president of the Swank Hardware Co., a family business, served as Vice President of First National Bank, and owned Swank Motor Sales, Inc.
Harry Swank’s son Luke Swank, a nationally famous photographer, owned the brick house located behind the Harry Swank House on Milton Street.
Owners Andre Teixeira & Jason Rumph
We thank the homeowners who have graciously opened their homes to the Southmont Architectural Tour.