Oral Histories
The people of Southmont have stories to tell about their history; which creates the history of Southmont. Without them there would be no Centennial.
"The electric company didn't like it, but we put a basketball basket on one of their telephone poles" - Harry Dishong
"We'd sled in our backyard, you'd just have to make a sharp turn at the end (to avoid the street)" - Karen Esaias
"We'd climb the poll and jump on the wire... The wire would shake and the trolley would come off" - Ed Strandquest & Richard Rogers
"We used to have a big neighborhood picnic....everyone would bring a covered dish" - Lois Tomb
"I had one neighbor like a grandmother to me. Everytime she'd bake cookies she'd call me down to help" ~ Harry Muncert
"Nobody locked their doors" - Ronald Good
"The Southmont School was the center of activity" - Richard Burket
"I used to do the signs for all the activities" - Tess Peterson
"Where we were living...I had young children and I saw snakes, so I said we're getting out of here." - Louise Fisher (Why she moved to Southmont)